The Challenge

HeL, an emerging name in the health-focused CPG sector specializing in CBD products, confronted a dual challenge. They needed to craft a brand that would stand out in a saturated market and appeal to two key demographics: fitness enthusiasts and mothers. The objective was to create a fresh, high-end brand image that would resonate with these distinct yet equally important customer segments.

The Thynking

Our strategy recognized the necessity of segmenting HeL's market approach to effectively reach and engage both target audiences. This involved:

Dual Market Segmentation: Splitting the marketing strategy to cater separately to fitness enthusiasts and mothers, addressing their unique needs and preferences.

Revitalizing Brand Image: Developing a new visual identity that would connect with both segments while underscoring the brand's commitment to health and quality.

Innovative Packaging and Digital Presence: Creating packaging and a digital experience that would appeal to both target demographics, emphasizing the product's anti-aging and health benefits.

The Fuel

Through a nuanced, dual-targeted approach encompassing branding, packaging, and digital strategies, HeL not only distinguished itself in a competitive market but also successfully engaged with its primary audiences, setting a new benchmark in the CBD health and wellness space.

Bifurcated Marketing Strategy: Implementing two distinct marketing approaches led to a wider and more effective reach, resonating with both fitness enthusiasts and mothers.

Revamped Brand Identity and Messaging: The new brand identity and messaging effectively communicated HeL's value proposition to both target markets.

Engaging Packaging and Ecommerce Store: The combination of striking packaging and an optimized ecommerce store led to increased visibility and sales.

Targeted Landing Pages: Developing separate landing pages for each demographic ensured a tailored and relevant user experience, enhancing conversion rates.


Sub logo design

Brand Book

Segment-Specific Packaging Design

Dual Targeted Landing Pages

Audience-Specific Advertisements

Effective Sales Funnels for Each Segment

Persuasive Copywriting for Diverse Audiences


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